Athletics Challenge - Arena Ostrow [03/05/2022]

On March 5, the Arena Ostrów sports hall hosted a sports competition for schools - Athletics Challenge.
The presenters were Olympic medalists from Tokyo, Karol Zalewski and Małgorzata Hołub-Kowalik. The Weles Foundation cooperates with the Karol Zalewski Foundation. The event was aimed at meeting children with Olympic medalists to encourage them to spend their free time actively.
A total of almost 80 children from 9 primary schools in Ostrów Wielkopolski took part in the competition.
Participants of the event competed in four competitions:
standing long jump,
medicine ball throw,
envelope run,
mixed relay race.
As a reward, the first three teams received cups, medals and material prizes, while each participant received a T-shirt and a card with the stars autographs.